I recently had a whopper of a sale through my gallery, Grafica Contemporary Fine Art (Webster Groves, MO). Their client was an architecture firm re-doing an entire floor at the St. Louis Club in Clayton Missouri. The client bought EIGHT of my current available paintings and commissioned a NINTH piece to be painted to a custom size (30x48 inches). WOW is all I can say. One sale is exciting enough...this one is thrilling.
My paintings feature in the Louisiana Room if you ever get a chance to visit this beautiful space. I wish I had taken some photos of the bar/lounge area that you walk into off the elevator...the place is stunning. However, having tunnel vision at the time, I only took photos of my paintings in the room they were hanging in which I will share below. If I haven't said it enough already: many, many thanks to Lynn and Lary Bozzay at Grafica Contemporary Fine Art. BTW, the framing was also done by Grafica. Enjoy!
Check out the News Articles at the right side of this blog to read "Decking The Walls" in the Webster Kirkwood Times.
Cloudscape #9, 30x48 oil on canvas |
Grouping of four 16x12, oil on panel |
Grouping of three 24x24, oil on canvas |
The Louisiana room |
Cloudscape #5 30x30, oil on canvas |
If you'd like to look at more of my artwork, check out my online portfolio at http://janetfons.com/works
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