
New landscape painting on cigar box by Janet Fons

Janet Fons, Janet Fons Fine Art, oil painting, painting art, landscape painting, landscape oil painting, landscape artist, painting trees, original landscapes for sale, contemporary impressionist landscapes, expressionist landscape with trees, fine art paintings of colorful seasonal landscapes, oil paintings on canvas, painting trees
"Beach Grass" by Janet Fons, oil on canvas, mounted on cigar box.
I did a little painting this winter while in Florida. The public beach (Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island) has areas of tall grass leading away from the water and beautiful trees that have light frothy leaves that blow gracefully in the wind. Plus the beach sand is almost white and very cool to walk on. Did I mention I love the beach? This miniature landscape in oil on canvas is mounted on a cigar box. It can be displayed on an easel, it can stand alone on a shelf or it can be used to store treasures.

Available at Grafica Contemporary Fine Art in Webster Groves, MO

The Art of the Collective Exhibition at the St. Louis Artists' Guild

Landscapes by Janet Fons hanging in the exhibition: The Art of the Collective
The Art of the Collective: an Art Group 360 exhibition at the St. Louis Artists' Guild closed March 2, 2014. I got back in town in time to pick up my landscapes. I had a private view (of sorts) before everyone from the group showed up to take down their work. The show encompassed the entire first floor of the Guild and looked wonderful! Thanks to everyone at the Guild for the opportunity to be the last show before they relocate. As an additional 'thank you' I'll be donating a landscape to Collectors Choice XIII.