
Opening reception at Ober Anderson Gallery

This is Art Group 360's ad in the current (June) issue of American Art Collector magazine.

Also in that issue is a review of our upcoming show at Ober Anderson Gallery. We are also included in the "Art Lover's Guide to Collecting Art in the Midwest" special section.

Our opening reception is June 1st from 6 to 10 pm. All six 360 member artists will be in attendance.

The show will run from June 1 through 29.

Ober Anderson Gallery
101A West Argonne
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Plein Air Landscape

Green Reflections, oil on canvas panel, 11x14, (c) Janet Fons 2012
I painted this piece during the Augusta Plein Air Event. Augusta Shores is a community built around a lake and the scenery is gorgeous. I spent the day painting at the edge of the lake in a small grove of trees.

Plein Air painting from Augusta Event

Lake Reflections, oil on canvas panel, 12x16 (c) Janet Fons 2012
I painted this during the Augusta Plein Air Event. The weather was  warm and sunny and the lake at Klondike Park was a beautiful sight.

Opening Exhibition Reception this Friday at RAC

Warm Afternoon Light, oil on canvas, 30x30 (c) Janet Fons 2011
I will have three paintings included in the Regional Arts Commission
METRO ARTS EXCHANGE in collaboration with The Foundry Art Centre. The opening reception is Friday, May 11 from 5:30 to 7:30pm on the second floor. The show is currated by Angela Fowle.
Featured Foundry artists include Janet Fons, John Dean, Ann Croghan, Jie Chen, Laura Lloyd and Patrick Nolan.
The show runs from May 11- to August 25. Exhibition Hours: M-F 9am - 5pm, Sat noon - 5pm
Regional Arts Commission
6128 Delamar Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63112