
Plein Air Painting in Augusta, MO

Spring Vines, oil on canvas panel, 11x14 inches
This week is the 10th Annual Plein Air event in Augusta, MO. The spring was warm enough so that the grape vines are leafed out much more than they normally are. What a treat! Usually they are only sticks at this point. I painted these sweet little vines in Defiance.

Welcome to My New Online Gallery: Art Group 360

This is the announcement for my new online gallery. We are beginning our collaboration with this website and a national advertising campaign in American Art Collector magazine starting with the June issue. More news to come!

New painting from Florida trip

Sugar Sand Beach oil on gallery wrap canvas, 30x40 inches
This scene is from Siesta Key on the Gulf side of Florida. The sand is super fine and very white. Its a beautiful beach.