
New painting on canvas: Golden Morning

This is the final photo of Golden Morning (30" x 40" oil pastel & alkyd on canvas). It took a long time to resolve the foreground. I originally planned to use more pink but chickened out in the end. A visitor to my studio at the Foundry told me it reminded her of flowering fields near San Diego. I liked that idea a lot. I almost named it 'roses among weeds' but decided not to. Thinking up titles is always a bit of a struggle for me. How do you think up names for your artwork?
"Golden Morning" by Janet Fons
30"x40" Oil pastel & alkyd on canvas

Color Study for "Golden Morning"

This is another color study I did for a new 30"x40" painting on canvas. I've spent quite a lot of time on the finished piece trying to resolve the foreground. I'll post that soon, stay 'tooned.